The Birtle Palliative Care Program is a local initiative to enhance the services provided by the regional health authority.
A committee of volunteers and professionals works to provide services locally in our community.
The main goal at this time is to fund and employ a Coordinator of Volunteers. This is a part-time position that is very valuable to the community. Some of the services provided are as follows:
- Arranging and promoting educational opportunities for staff and volunteers
- Public awareness campaigns
- Fundraising
- Liaison with Regional Palliative Care Coordinator
- Resource for clients ( providing assistance with gaining access to community resources such as charities; Home Care; Palliative Care Pharmacy Program)
- Home and facility visits for clients Arranging volunteer visitors to run errands or provide companionship
- Support for clients (in hospital and PCH) and their families especially when separated by distance
- Bereavement follow up and support with loved ones.
Our Co-ordinator of Volunteers is Lynette Snow. She is a valuable resource to our community and will assist you in getting the information or resources that you need. She can be reached by contacting the Birtle Health Centre at 842-3317.